Thursday, May 14, 2020

SFDX force:source:push returns error: PartnerAccountId.field-meta.xml fullName must end with: __c or __kav or __x or __b or __xo or __e or __p or __mdt

Problem / Issue:

Having just retrieved the Opportunity object into my DX Project, I tried to push the source into a newly created ScratchOrg.

> sfdx force:source:retrieve -m CustomObject:Opportunity -u DevHub
... pulled down the metadata for a bunch of components

> sfdx force:source:push

The push operation gave me the following error:
fullName must end with: __c or __kav or __x or __b or __xo or __e or __p or __mdt (363:13)


The PartnerAccountId is only visible (on Opportunity and Lead records) when an Admin enables Salesforce Partners or purchases Salesforce Partner Community licenses.

To enable this feature in a ScratchOrg, the following features and settings must be defined in the project-scratch-def.json config file.

    "orgName": "myOrg",
    "edition": "Developer",
    "features": ["Communities", "EnablePRM"],
    "settings": {
        "communitiesSettings": {
            "enableNetworksEnabled": true,
            "enableEnablePRM": true
        "lightningExperienceSettings": {
            "enableS1DesktopEnabled": true

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

SFDX force:source:push returns error: no QuickAction named FeedItem.ContentNote found

I wanted to add a specific page layout from Production to my SFDX project. After retrieving the metadata from production, I got an error message when trying to push it into a scratch org:

force-app\main\default\layouts\Opportunity-Opportunity Standard Layout.layout-meta.xml
In field: QuickAction - no QuickAction named FeedItem.ContentNote found
ERROR running force:source:push:  Push failed.

This error occurs because Enhanced Notes has not been enabled in the Scratch Org.

Remedy this by updating the project-scratch-def.json file to include the following settings:

    "settings": {
        "enhancedNotesSettings": {
            "enableEnhancedNotes": true

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

User Unable to Grant Login Access to Salesforce Support

ISSUE: Salesforce Users are unable to grant login access to Salesforce Support


I recently ran into an issue in which I needed several of my users to Grant Login Access to Salesforce support. They've been running into a peculiar issue in which Lightning Record Pages are not displaying correctly for them. I haven't been able to isolate the issue myself -- so called in the gurus at Salesforce.

Salesforce asked that each of the users who were having the issue grant login access to Salesforce Support. I created a guide to help my users navigate through menu screens that were unfamiliar to them, and was surprised when one of the users reported they did not have the option grant login access to Salesforce Support.

Ooops! I thought every user had the ability to grant login access to salesforce. I poked around on the web to find out if anyone else had run into this -- eventually found the answer.

The Fix

The ability to grant login access to salesforce support is enabled by default, but at some point, I must have disabled this configuration option. To fix, navigate to Setup > Login Access Policies. Toggle the "Available to Users" radio button on Salesforce Support.