Sunday, September 12, 2010

How Do You Follow?

One of the folks I follow on Twitter was worried about "false Twitter followers" -- those nefarious persons who follow you, get a follow back, and then unfollow you.  It lead to Twitter conversation on the left pane.

On Twitter, I tend to follow and unfollow people quite a bit.  For me, Twitter is like a giant "internet users conference".  I wander around the conference floor, evesdropping on various conversations taking place. 

When someone comments (or rather, tweets) on a topic I am particularly interested in, I'll click on their Twitter stream and check out their other recent tweets.  If they are noteworthy or interesting, I'll follow that person. 

Over time, the topics I am interested in may change and I may suddenly "unfollow" individuals who are tweeting on topics that no longer interest me.  The act of "unfollowing" is not meant to be a slight or insult. 

The "unfollow" is not necessarily permenant -- I'm just wandering over to a different section of the "internet user conference" floor to listen to other conversations.

I use Twitter as a tool for sourcing new information.  The individuals I follow provide that information, in the form of quotes, updates, or links to interesting blogs or news articles, or even just entertaining comments throughout the day. They are sharing relevant content that interests me.

And if they unfollow me (or never follow me)?  No big!  I get value from the content they share, not from their act of following me back.

How do you follow and unfollow on Twitter?


  1. Good post! I also follow (and unfollow) by interest.

  2. I guess I've been lax in unfollowing people, but it's going to be a necessity now as Twitter has capped me at following 2,001 people and I can't follow anyone else. They say this is an unchangeable limit. ( I currently have a ratio of 81% followers to following, which I think is pretty good. They want it higher before I can follow anyone else. I'm guessing this is something new, though for people who legitimately want to follow people, it's kind of annoying. I know why they put such a limit in place, but to say it's hard and fast and they won't change it is pretty hardcore. As I said, I'm going to have to go through and unfollow some people, I'm just not so sure how I'll go about it.

  3. I strictly use Twitter for Salesforce-related conversation so I unfollow people who post about other topics regularly. I've thought about really tightening up lists or even opening a second account but for now I feel like I can read most of the tweets by the people I follow.

    I don't follow social friends or family and I encourage them not to follow me either. I really feel like Twitter is a wall for Linked In.

  4. I'm still trying to figure out how to prevent Twitter as another fire hose to drink out of.... So I'm with you - follow and unfollow by interest.

    I have to claim ignorance as to why a 'False Follower' would follow you, get a follow back, and then unfollow you. How does that benefit someone?
