Thursday, July 31, 2008 Certification Programs

Is the Force with you? Are you a “young padawan” or a Master of the Force?

Those of us who have been using for any period of time have developed some very specialized skills. Until recently, many practicioners felt that there wasn’t a common ranking by which we could evaluate or compare our skill levels. That’s all changed now, with the advent of official certification programs through

Not Necessarily New
Salesforce has actually had a number of certification programs in place for some time now. These have been promoted through their annual user conference. For instance, at Dreamforce 2007, there was an Administrator training program, which included a certification exam at the end. Pass the exam and you were granted a snazzy “Salesforce ’07 Certified Administrator” logo to brandish on your email signature, and also bragging rights on your resume. Consultants and Partners have had access to their own certification programs, as well. You don’t need to be an actual consultant to sign up for the “referral partner” program, and some practitioners signed up just to get access to the certifications. There are different levels of certified consultant: Level 1 (basic), Level 2 (advanced), Level 3 (developer). Salesforce provides these partners with training program offerings, or an opportunity to skip right to the exam. Partners who pass the exam earn a custom logo for their email signature, and a chance to put “ Level II Certified Consultant” (or whatever level they passed) on their resume.

New Certification Programs Announced in July
The recent expansion of’s existing program was influenced by our input, as expressed on Idea Exchange. Hundreds of SFDC users promoted the an expansion of the existing certification programs. I like sandpcheryl's comment on the idea: "SFDC should do for SFA's (SalesForce Admins) what Oracale did for DBA's basically create its own job class. I have been to the admin training and have a certificate, but would like to take a test and show my employer and others that I know my stuff!"

Nadim Hossain ( Product Marketing, Training & Certification) announced the new Certification Programs on July 15th, and you can read more information about them here. Currently, there are two levels of certification for administrators (basic and advanced). A Master-level certification is also planned. Classes and exams for Developer certification are still being developed, but it looks like they will follow the same 3-tier model (basic, advanced and master). To earn the certification, you must pass an exam. If you are very practiced and confident of your skills, you can skip to the exam right away. Not sure if you’re ready? has put together some great study guides, which include an outline of the exam content, sample questions and sample answers. also offers training classes, specifically designed around content that will be covered in the exam.

Cost of the Exams
The cost of the Administrator exams (both basic and advanced) is $200 list price, as of this date. You need to take the exams in sequence, you can’t skip directly to the highest level certification. For example, Administrator certification is a pre-requisite for the Advanced Administrator exam. So you have to pay $200 to take the Administrator Exam, and then another $200 to take the Advanced Administrator exam. You can take the exam at any time, and there are literally hundreds of testing locations around the world offering the exams -- I found several facilities within a 60-mile radius of my house. Very cool!

Preparatory Training classes (for those who prefer that) is an additional cost (approximately $3000, with discounts available for volume purchases). These are 4+ day training classes, offered through at numerous locations / major cities throughout the US.

Developer Certification … Still in Development!
Developer certification training classes are expected to be available in August, with exams offered shortly thereafter. You can sign up for the mailing to get notified as to when the exams and training programs will be offered here.

Rumors Debunked
The rumors that you need to grow your hair in a braid, and then have the braid cut off when you pass the certification exam, are completely untrue. Apparently, that was only done by the young padawans of the Old Republic, and was for their achievement in a completely different Force.

Monday, July 28, 2008

SOQL within a Visualforce Page

I'm trying to figure out how I can query a related object in Visualforce, without hammering javascript into my VF page, or using a custom controller.

That's the VF page (above), here's the code that generates it.

It's easy to access the data from the standard Case controller, and it's to traverse one level up to the Account parent of this Case record. But I've been staring at the code trying to figure out how to get the Name field from the related Switch__c object.

I've tried hacking some Select queries into the VF page, but that didn't work out so well. I don't want to java script something so trivial.

It seems like I should be able to reference "{!Case.Switch__c.Name}" in the same way that I reference {!Case.Account.Name}, but traversing parent-child doesn't seem behave the same for related records.

Back to the books ... or maybe a plea for help on the dev forums.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


It's back, my dear old friend, Insomnia. Although it's different for me. I don't lie prone in bed, gazing wide-eyed at the cieling. Instead, I sit hunch-back over my keyboard, banging out code and crawling through the web.

Lately, I've been taking a deep dive into Apex and Visualforce, and it's really cool stuff. So cool, in fact, that I'll suddenly be concious of the birds chirping outside my window, and realize that I've been up all night coding again. My last meal was a soggy tuna sandwich about 16 hours earlier.

I do a lot of freelance work, but the current project is for my employer. My boss wants a feature added to that allows his technical team to send a periodic email status update to various internal audiences when a high priority Case is opened. The tricky part is that there are different rules as to who the email should be sent to, depending on the severity (priority) of the Case and the Customer (Account) who opened the case, and the mail distribution rules change pretty frequently. The users can't easily keep track of these rule changes -- so we're going to let do it for them. They just need to post the update, and my code under the hood will handle the email template preparation and distrubtion.

Before, I would have just banged this out with an S-control, but I thought I'd try this out with a combination of Apex and VisualForce pages instead. So I added a "Send Alert" button to the Case detail record page layout, and now I'm fighting the learning curve to implent this functionality in Visualforce.

I've poured through wikis, webinars and documentation posted on the Apex Developer Net forums. My mind loses all track of the passage of time, including recollection of when I last slept, when I last ate, when I last interacted with the human race. Still, I've learned a lot, and my "Send Alert Notification" components and pages are looking pretty slick.

I have to shift gears now, because I've been doing all my development (so far) in a production environment ... so naughty, I know. Last night, I hit a wall and realized I needed to create a new Apex Class, and it took me way too long to realize that the reason I couldn't make one was because I wasn't in a Developer edition or sandbox. Ooops.

I haven't done enough with the Sandbox, so now I need to go study up on it. I'll come back and share what I learn.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Roboform -- Very Cool Tool

Here's a cool tool that I can't live without. It's called Roboform, and it's a "must have" tool if you maintain many subscriptions on the web. Every time you subscribe to a new website or service on the internet, you're usually asked to provide a user name and password. Most people use the same usernames and passwords on the many different websites that they visit, which is just asking for trouble. If they only knew how vulnerable those passwords really were. Trust me on this, I know.

I used to maintain a PHP-based message board. It was subscription-based, meaning users had to provide a username and password to login. The passwords were supposedly stored in a secure SQL database, but it wasn't terribly difficult to hack open. In fact, I did it quite by accident. One of my users had complained that they had forgotten their password, the "Forget your password?" links weren't working for them, and they really didn't want to create a 2nd account -- was there anyway I could look up their old password?

It took about 25 minutes to figure out where the passwords were stored, how they were encrypted, and what his current password was. He was very thankfuly, while I suddenly realized that I now had everyone's password -- over 500 members of my community message board. And you could just tell that these were accounts and passwords that were reused on their other subscriptions, like online banks (there were a ton of 4-digit, all-numeric passwords), social networking websites (Facebook, Myspace, etc), other community message boards, etc.

Of course, I'm far too scrupulous to have done anything with that account / password info. In fact, I ended up submitting a bug report to the platform developer, telling them how I had cracked their password database, and suggesting a fix. But it really opened my eyes to how vulnerable all these passwords are that we willfully enter into websites. It made me think of all the online subscriptions I maintain:
  6. (for work)
  7. (for my NH User Group)
  8. (Developer Account #1)
  9. (Developer Account #2)
  10. (Developer Account #3)
  11. PayPal account
  12. Corporate browser based email login
  13. Corporate web-based documentation control system
  14. Corporate web-based software bug tracking system
  15. Gaming Accounts (EQ, WoW, SWG, LotR, Tabula Rasa)
  16. Wikipedia accounts (dozens of 'em)
  17. Web-based community message boards (dozens of them), most PHP, just like the one I easily hacked open once upon a when
  18. Online News sites I frequent (dozens of 'em)
  19. This blogger account

The list goes on and on and on, and it grows every single day. I spend a lot of time on the web, frequent a lot of new sites, and many are subscription based. They're free, but they still prompt you for a username and password.

Security pros tell you that it's just good practice to have a unique / different password for every system that you access, but who can remember hundres of unique passwords?


Download the application ( and install it. Roboform installs a new toolbar on your browser. As you visit websites, and are prompted for username and password, Roboform interrupts and asks if this should be a site that Roboform must remember. If you click yes, it records the website information, the user name entered, and the password entered. From that point on, you can visit the website and automatically login into it ... at the click of a mouse!

You can even create multiple aliases. That's very handy for the schizophrenic (or perhaps for couples / family members who share the same computer, but maintain their own accounts to different websites).

The "free" version of the application will remember up to 10 sites/accounts/passwords and two different aliases, but you can upgrade to the full "Roboform Pro" version for $29.95 and get unlimited in both categories.

Roboform can also auto-generate highly secure passwords (random alpha-numeric strings) so you can be assured that every password you enter on every site is unique, difficult to crack, and not similar to any of your other passwords.

There are a ton of other features (form filler) and security reasons (phishing security, keylogger prevention) to use this tool. Best of all, there is no spyware, no adware. Ultimately, I just like it for it's ease of use and simplicity. I bought both Roboform Pro and Roboform2Go.

Roboform2Go runs on your USB device, which is very handy for me, since I log in to a lot of different computers at different locations. No matter where I am, no matter what system I'm using, I can securely log on to my favorite websites -- without having to recall their long, goofy URLs, or what my unique user account and password is to that specific site.

Roboform -- it's the Force Monkey's Top Pick of cool tools.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's not what you know ... it's who you know!

Meet Kate Mines. Kate is a customer, and an actress living in Burbank CA. We "met" on the SFDC Community Message Board. More recently, we've started to exchange emails.

Yeah, she's a hottie -- and she's very smart. Reading through all the entries in her blog (and I read ALL of them), I can tell that she's not just smart -- she's geeky smart. She totes her laptop and digital camera around wherever she goes, Skypes with friends while shooting a film in Jordan (as in the Middle East country), trolls the internet to find cool sites like Packing List Online ... and somehow found a way to create a developer account. In other words, she's part of the geeky MySpace generation (like me) and wants to take full advantage of this Wacky Web 2.0 World -- without even knowing what Web 2.0 is. And that's pretty damn cool.

As smart as she is, Kate clearly knows the old adage "It's not what you know, it's who you know" is more true in Hollywood than anywhere else. So she wants an application that helps her keep track of all the people she's come to know. Not just who she knows, but how she knows them, who they are, what they do, where they met, how often they've been together on the same set / audition / workshop, etc.

I trolled around her personal website (, and that led me to other internet services that people in the acting world use -- like and

Both seem like powerful tools. They are social networking tools for the acting world, but neither of them allow Kate to do what she really wants to do. In her words,

Somtimes I'll work with a director at a theatre, but I want to link them to their agent, and then a casting event I met them at. When I look at one of my contacts, I want to see all the places we've met. It needs to be cross searchable, so if I can only remember the conference name, location or date, or whatever, I can search by all of these, you know?

Classic social networking application, right? But even while there are many social networking tools out there (LinkedIn, MySpace, FaceBook, etc.), all designed to bring social contacts together, none of them do what Kate needs.

I guess that kinda surprised me. How is it that the acting world doesn't have an application like LinkedIn? Actors need to track their social connections, just like business people do. They need to track the degrees of social separation within their contact network, and find ways to get connected to those who can further their career. But more than just tracking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree connections (ala LinkedIn), people like Kate want to track their connection history. How often have I met this person? Show me all the dates and events that we were at together. What role was this person performing at each event (starring role, supporting role, director role, etc), and what role was I performing at that same event?

It's a fascinating application, and I'm really looking forward to working on this project.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Cool Webinar from – Move Beyond S-Controls’s Sheridan Gaenger recently shared an introductory presentation on Visualforce with me. The webinar was presented by Ron Hess, Andrew Waite and Jon Mountjoy, all staff members of the Platform Team.

In the presentation, Andrew Waite demonstrates some of the remarkable features of Visualforce by comparing an existing AppExchange application (written by Ron Hess) using S-controls to the same application (re-written by Andrew Waite) in Visualforce. The Visualforce solution was more elegant -- written with far fewer lines of code and developed in hours (compared to Ron's S-control application which took several days to write). The Visualforce application was easier to understand, easier to maintain, and had many other advantages over the application written with S-controls (browser compatibility, application run-time, etc.).

In addition to Andrew’s “S-Control vs. Visualforce” application demo, Jon Mountjoy did a great “Visualforce 101” demo. Jon showed how to write the classic “Hello world” application using Visualforce. He went on to modify the standard look-and-feel of a page layout, and introduced some of the 65 standard Visualforce components which can be used in your own application development.

It’s a great introduction to Visualforce, and is definately worth reviewing -- even if you've never coded your own S-control. The session was recorded, and the Platform Team has posted the entire presentation, including sample code and some of the FAQs that developers have asked after viewing it. You can find all this on the Apex Developer Forums.

NOTE: I believe the presentation is currently available for public viewing. If that should change –- such that the presentation is restricted to registered Apex Dev Net developers -- you can easily create your own developer Account. Refer to Step 3 in my July 13th blog for a walk-through on doing that.

To view the Visualforce Webinar presentation, click here: Additional information and code samples can be found at

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Where Do I Learn How To Use

One of my clients contacted me this past week and asked a simple question – where do I learn to do what you do?

“When I call you, we log in together to my account, and then you talk me through the process of setting up some custom fields, custom objects, moving things around on page or whatever. These are all things I feel I should probably know after using Salesforce for over a year. Where do you learn to do all the things you do?”

First, in the interest of full disclosure, it’s appropriate to share that my educational background is Computer Science, and my 20-year work experience has been in the fields of database architecture, software application development and customer support. My learning might have been at a slightly faster pace because of that background. However, I don’t think you need a software engineering degree to become proficient in That’s the beauty of the platform, and cloud-computing in general: anyone can come up to speed on it – very, very quickly.

Here are my tips for mastering the Force. These are in no particular order, but the sequence is roughly how I came to know the platform, and I think it’s a pretty good path:

  1. Dedicate Time for Training: Dedicate a couple hours per week to learning about the platform. Schedule it as your Monday morning or Friday afternoon ritual. If you have absolutely no time to budget for training during the work week, make some time after hours at home. Reserve these hours on your calendar, put a reminder on your Blackberry, do whatever it takes – but make sure it is quality, non-interrupted time.

  2. Browse the Online Help: Start by just browsing the online help. Login to your instance of, and then click on the “Help & Training” link near the top-center area of your browser content window.

    Click on the “Help” tab, and you’ll find a ton of useful resources for all different types of users and administrators. You can select / print the “Printable User Guide”, or just walk through all the various help topics in the left side-bar.

    Be sure to check out the “Tips & Users Guides” link, too. You’re sure to find a lot of information here that will eat up those “training hours” that you scheduled for yourself in step 1.

  3. Get a Developer Account: Did you know that you can get a developer account for free? A developer account has 2 user licenses, and limited data storage capacity, but it’s perfectly suited for testing your new skills. In your Developer account, you can try out changes before you implement them in your corporate environment. Before creating a developer account, be sure you have a personal email account (other than your work email account). If you don’t have one, they’re easy to create – just browse over to and click on the Sign-up for Gmail link.

    Once you have a gmail account, use that email alias to create a developer account. Go to the Apex Developer Network at and click the "Join Now" button.

  4. Download the Book: Download a PDF version of “Creating On-Demand Applications: An Introduction to the Apex Platform”. This manual is the first of a two-book series that was handed out at Dreamforce 2007. It walks the reader through the process of creating a “Recruiting” application. During this process, you'll create custom objects, tabs, custom fields, custom formula fields, validation rules, page layouts, and more. All the skills that a administrator should know are covered in this book, step-by-step.

  5. Browse the AppExchange: If you haven’t yet been to the AppExchange, now is the time to check it out. AppExchange is a library of applications built for You can demo the applications, view screenshots of them, read user reviews, view online presentations / demos, etc. Some of the applications cost money, but many of them are free. Use the search engine to search on a few topics that might be of interest to you, or just browse through the categories until you find something that suits your fancy. Download an application to either your Developer account, or to your corporate account (if you have sufficient admin priviliges) -- don't worry, they're easy to remove, if you find that you don't like it. Or, you can use your budding talents to customize the application, so that it does work for your implementation of

  6. Browse Successforce: Check out Successforce at In particular, check out the Guides tab. I really wish I’d known about this resource when I started the roll-out of my first implementation. There are tons of downloads available on this site, including process maps, implementation guides, and free training presentations.

  7. Official Training from Consider attending a “Administrator Essentials” training class. This 4-day training class is held periodically throughout the year, in major cities all around North America. It’s $3,000 for the course, and covers all the topics outlined in the “Creating On-Demand Applications” manual above. I confess that I didn’t take this route myself, because I’ve never favored these type of training events. I learn better from a book and online content than I do from classroom lecture – especially a lecture that lasts 6-8 hours for 4-5 consecutive days – ugh! But I know there are others who learn better in a classroom enviroment, so it's worth mentioning.

  8. Join a User Group: There are dozens of User Groups around the globe. These user groups schedule meetings throughout the year, and discuss all things related to our favorite SAAS platform, You’re sure to pick up tips, tricks and best practices, as implemented by other professionals working with the Force. It’s a great way to network and collaborate with other administrators, developers and/or power users. To find the User Group nearest you, check out If you can't find a user group near you, consider starting your own!

  9. Take it to the Next Level: By now, you should be fairly proficient as a Administrator and/or Power User. If that was your goal, you can stop here. If you want to kick it up a notch, and get even more from your implementation of, it’s time to cross over from Administrator to Developer. Your journey starts here:

Like all things in life, the more you practice it, the more proficient you will become. Follow these steps to get started with the Force. They'll start you on the path. How far you go, how adept you become, is up to you.

Of course, if you don't have time for all this -- then hire a Force Monkey to assist you!

Friday, July 11, 2008

What did we ever do without GoToMeeting?

If you're an administrator of -- or even if you aren't -- GoToMeeting is one of the "must have" tools for the office. In this article I'll talk a little bit about the application, and why I've come to depend on it.

If you don't know about GoToMeeting, it's built by Citrix Online, which has become the fourth largest Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) provider in the world. Their product is a web conferencing tool, similar to WebEx (by Cisco) and LiveMeeting (by Microsoft) -- but in my experience cheaper, and easier to use.

GoToMeeting allows conference call organizer(s) to share their desktop screen with all of the remote conference call participants, as long as they all have access to an internet connection. This is web collaboration software, which is getting a lot more market buzz in our slowing economy.

Ok, so why is GoToMeeting such a cool thing for Administrators? Think about, or more specifically, giving a training topic on a new application that you've rolled out for You could take dozens of screenshots of the various page layouts in your application, and then weave those screenshots into a PowerPoint presentation. You could then send that PowerPoint presentation to all of the far-flung members of your Sales Team and walk through it page by page at the next team conference call.

Or -- you could use GoToMeeting and give a demo of the application live. Every member of the GoToMeeting web conference can see the application, as you click through the various user screens. If they have questions about the application, you can deviate from your "training script", and demonstrate the answer to their question within the app, right on their screen. They can be 3 floors above you in the same office building, or on the other side of the world. As long as they have an internet screen, your screen is their screen.

The GoToMeeting organizer can share all of their screen, or only certain applications. I'll often share my browser (which has running in it) but keep my notes / talking points hidden from the other users. I can see the notes on my own screen, but other users only see my browser screen.

In addition, the meeting organizer controls who has access to the keyboard and mouse. So you could give a training presentation on a particular topic, for instance, and then turn control over to one of the meeting participants. Have the participant walk through the exercise themselves, while you monitor them. It's a good way to see what information was "retained", and what areas you may need to focus additional talking points on in your next training session.

One of the most valuable aspects of GoToMeeting is that you can record your session in a Windows Media Player format. Store these recorded sessions on a file server, and you can gradually build a library of training sessions. Meeting participants (or individuals who couldn't attend the conference call because of a meeting conflict) can review the recorded sessions at their leisure.

I'm fortunate to be part of a company that has several Corporate GoToMeeting accounts. The Corporate GoToMeeting Account allows me to host GoToMeeting sessions for up to 25 users, or GoToWebinar sessions for up to 1000 users. Standard GoToMeeting accounts top out at 15 remote users per session.

Whether it's a corporate or standard GoToMeeting account, you pay a recurring $50 monthly fee, or a 20% discounted annual fee. That fee allows you to setup unlimited GoToMeeting sessions. If you want to try it out, the first month is free (and you can probably find promo codes for extended trials on the web, or from your local advertising media).

One warning -- use your own phone conferencing system for the audio portion. GoToMeeting does provide a audio conference service, but the audio quality is terrible. I'm not sure what call conference platform they're using, but it stinks!GoToMeeting must recognize this, because they provide a very easy way for users to override their conference call service, and use their own.

You can get more information from

You can watch a product demo (I love demo's!), check out pricing, etc.

GoToMeeting is a really slick tool, and I highly recommend it to all my Customers.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Blog Title, New URL

I decided to change the Blog title from "SFDC Monkey" to "Force Monkey", and naturally that meant changing the URL from "" to "".

Hope I didn't lose much readership audience in the change! =)

Why the switch? Well, it looks like the re-branding of is slowly underway. Back in September, when I attended DreamForce 2007, Marc Benioff announced in his keynote the new branding of their SAAS platform. The new brand name would be ...

In that keynote, Marc was showing how he was trying to lead his company from being associated as a sales force automation platform into something bigger. While SFA was the products roots, it's become much more than that. It's a more complete solution than just SFA, particularly now with VisualForce and tools that allow you to do just about anything within the API.

I wondered how long it would take to rebrand the company from While at the DreamForce 2007 show, in fact, while in the keynote address, I set my browser to -- to see where it would take me. The URL is reserved, but today it redirects you to

But all around there are hints that the rebranding is underway. For one thing, when you look at the logo, the "" portion is highlighted, while the "sales" is starting to fade away into the background.

Last week, I noticed that the "AppExchange" logo, which used to appear in the top-right corner as you were logged in, has been replaced with a new "" logo.

So the SFDC Monkey is rebranding, too. Let's go write some apps!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Communicating with Users via Google Sites

If there is one recommendation I can pass on to fellow (SFDC) administrators and CRM Project Managers, it’s this: Maintain Constant Lines of Communication with your User Base.

As a CRM platform, we are constantly adding new functionality to our implementation of SFDC. Our implementation started when we migrated from PropWeb Help Desk software to, for our Customer Support organization. A few months later, we implemented an inventory tracking system, so our Manufacturing department could track all hardware assets and Return Material Authorizations. Next we integrated Sales Force Automation and Miller-Heiman Opportunity tracking for our Sales Team. We’ve added software bug tracking, hardware ECO management, sales order tracking, field technician deployment tracking, professional services / project management, vacation tracking, etc.

On top of all the customized changes we’ve made to the platform these past 18 months, has rolled out 6 new releases of their platform, each with new features (rich text formatting for solution articles, tagging, inline editing, customer portals) that we’ve opted to enable. Of course, once you enable a new feature, it behooves you to provide some training to your users on how to get the most use of it.

Recently, a SFDC New Hampshire User Group member indicated that they were thinking about “a SFDC tips/tricks/best practices update newsletter going out quarterly”, and wanted to know I did something for my organization, and if so, what the template was.

I suggested they avoid using a newsletter to reach out to their users. Creating a newsletter, particularly as infrequent as once per quarter, is a daunting challenge. First, you have to research what articles are the most relevant and timely, then you have to write them. Next, your newsletter has to be scrubbed by your editorial team (or at least reviewed and proof-read), and finally it has to be published. What a chore this project would become … and besides, newsletters are so 20th century!

My recommendation? Google Sites. Back in April, SFDC announced some integration they were doing with Google Talk, Google Docs, and Google Email. I wanted to find out more about the integration, so spent some time exploring the Google Apps home page. I somehow landed on the “Google Sites” home page, and started playing around with the tool.

Within a few hours, I had created a prototype of the Salesforce Projects Home Page (click image to enlarge). I created a custom tab which links to the Google site, giving my SFDC users quick access to the “CRM Projects” home page.

Our CRM project home page is updated frequently (several times a week, at the very least) as a communication medium to our users. It describes new features that we have rolled out this month, and what projects my team is currently working on. NOTE: My team is myself and one other developer, who manage the CRM-related projects for 150 enterprise-license users. Google sites is extremely easy to administer, update and maintain. The WYSIWYG editor allows you to add rich-format text (bold, italics, colored font), links to other URLs – you can even include pictures, which is so critical when describing changes to a graphical user interface like SFDC. Google sites are secure; you can control who in your company can view and/or update the pages.

The real advantage of this method, over a published newsletter, is that the information is available “on-demand”. When a user wants to see what’s new in Salesforce, they can check out the “What’s New in SFDC” tab. We don’t have to spend a lot of time writing up newsletter articles for a weekly, monthly or quarterly publication. Instead, we share the workload of keeping the user base informed of our current projects by updating this site with fresh updates and information.

Each month, the content is archived, so users can go back any number of months to see what changed last month, the month before, etc. (Click image at left to enlarge).

Oh, here’s another time-saver tip to fellow admins. These archives come in very handy for year-end performance reviews. With a few clicks of the mouse, I can put 12-18 pages worth of “stuff my team did during the past 12 months to deserve an AMAZING performance review (and appropriate merit increase)” right into my self-evaluation / performance review.